Forgive and forget

To forgive and forget is much easily said than done.
It seems we can forget the things we’ve done wrong to others, but when it comes to people who have wronged us – it’s a whole another story.

One day as I was walking home from work and just thinking about the things to do after I come home, I suddenly was filled with this unpleasant feeling deep down in me. I was reminded of some unkind words that a family member had said to me in the past. I remember that it was nothing big, but just something that had hurt me at that time. I could feel how anger, disappointment and bitterness tried to rise their ugly heads. I thought; “This is not what I want to remember. I want to love this person with all my heart and not to have this kind of unforgiveness ruin our relationship.”

I stopped right there and then and said outloud: (Without thinking who could hear!) 🙂 “In the name of Jesus I forgive him and I won’t hold him accountable for what he has said to me. Devil, be quiet and don’t try to remind me of this. I set this person free from what he has done and in Jesus name, I do not even want to remember what he said to me. Amen.”

It took only a minute for me to do this, but let me tell you, it was a powerful minute! As I’m writing this I have to say, that honestly and truly I have no remembrance of what the thing was, that I wanted to forget then. I don’t remember at all…even, if I would try to. (But I don’t want to!) 😉
I believe that God helped me in a supernatural way to forget those mean words and through that to forgive this family member completely.

We are created in the image of God and when He forgives us He also forgets our mistakes. He doesn’t try to bring them up from time to time just to remind us of our weaknesses and to keep us regretting what we’ve done, but when we ask for forgiveness He forgives us completely and gives us a fresh new start.
And this is what I believe God wants us to do when it comes to our relationships.
We have a memory. And it stores up both the good and the bad memories, but by the power and the grace of God, we can choose to dwell on the good. Just as we can be supernaturally healed in our body, we can be supernaturally healed, when we’ve been hurt in our emotions. Jesus came to heal the broken hearted.

I hope this encourages you to ask God to help you to forgive and to forget those who have hurt you. Life’s too short to live it with bitterness in your heart.

Be blessed and have a wonderful day!

